New BRMC Studio: Creative Lab
BRMC announces completion of our exciting new BRMC ‘CREATIVE LAB’, Ballarat Welcome Centre’s dedicated sound production and recording studio, supported by the Victorian Government through the Multicultural Communications Outreach Program.
Our region’s multicultural and interfaith communities consistently say that messaging about COVID-19 and other important information must be relevant, targeted across languages and cultural groups and speedy.
Thanks to Hazara community and staff member, Abdul Rasuli, we have a soundproof studio now and thanks to Bobby Mehta and Suzanne Ryan-Evers the first training pilot is underway for six trainees. The Creative Lab will up-skill community members to create content, edit and broadcast specific, accurate, reliable and current messaging, in their own languages and style, via audio and video community service announcements.
For more information about the facility or training email the project coordinator Suzanne Ryan-Evers on or Bobby Mehta on or come to our Ballarat Welcome Centre Open Day in Refugee Week.
Migration and Settlement Services
Anti-Racism Active Bystander Workshop
Tuesday 28th June, 10am – 12.30pm
Ballarat Welcome Centre, 25-39 Barkly St, Ballarat
Join us for this free 2.5 hour workshop delivered by our skilled facilitators with migrant background and life experiences.
For further information, contact: Heeyoung: or 0491 066 247.

Welcome Morning Tea Program
Last Wednesday of each month, 10.30am – 12pm
Ballarat Welcome Centre, 25-39 Barkly St, Ballarat
We invite multicultural people who have recently settled in Ballarat and community members who would like to welcome and say ‘Hello’ to new arrivals.
RSVP to Heeyoung by the 24th of every month:

Stepping Stones to Small Business
The Stepping Stone to Small Business program is seeking Volunteer Mentors interested in supporting women’s enterprise by advising and guiding women in establishing their own small business. If you are able to commit to a few hours once a fortnight, then this may be the volunteer opportunity you are looking for!
Contact Deborah Klein on 0457 934 728 or for more information.

Good Governance Program
Designed to help community organisations achieve their goals and be their best, BRMC’s Good Governance program offers free governance mentoring to community organisations and cultural groups. The program is tailored to suit the needs of each community group and is delivered with the support of experienced mentors.
Committee members gain from participating in bi-monthly governance webinars where information about volunteer management, fundraising and financial management is offered and innovative governance ideas are shared. The mentors participate in bi-monthly Community of Practice sessions to exchange ideas and stay updated.
The program is offered in Ballarat, Albury Wodonga and Mildura. To get more information contact: Sarabjit at

Community Volunteers: Migrant English Program
Currently offering English learning support to clients in Ballarat, Ararat and Horsham, our MEP team offers one-on-one mentoring to individuals for social communication, functional workplace English and for IELTS, OET, PTE and TOEFL assessments. Innovative teaching ideas and resources are used to empower the participants with the knowledge and skills to achieve their language learning goals. The program is all about empowering individuals find better employment and social opportunities.
If you’d like to support the program, join our team as a community volunteer. Training, teaching resources and ongoing support will be provided. Contact: Sarabjit at
Diversity Youth Group
Thursdays, 6pm – 7pm via Zoom
Are you 13-17 years old? If your answer is yes, Diversity Youth Group (DYG) is for you. It offers young people a safe space to connect, discover their strengths and practise dialogue skills with their peers around the world.
The two programs offered are Generation Global and Persona Life-skills Education’s social-emotional learning, based on post-COVID research on young people around the world. Youth Group is fast gaining popularity so book your spot today.
To book your free spot and receive a welcome kit, contact: Sarabjit at

Diversity Homework Club
This free academic wellbeing program offers 5-12 year old students the opportunity to learn and grow together. The tutors make learning fun for the students through funny videos, challenges and quizzes. The students read to win awards, share tips and tricks to solve Math problems, conduct Science experiments and learn with a smile.
For free participation and welcome kit, contact: Sarabjit at
Professional Learning for Tutors
Homework Club tutors’ weekly Community of Practice sessions offer workshop-training opportunities to the attendees. Tutors value this ongoing learning opportunity as an intrinsic part of their role. Innovative teaching strategies are discussed and implemented to support young learners navigate their academic journeys joyfully and with confidence.

Social Support
As we move into the winter months, the risk of becoming unwell with the flu and/or COVID-19 increases. It is our priority at BRMC to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our clients, so all face-to-face activities have been put on hold and home deliveries have resumed. We thank our clients for their patience in this ever-changing environment.
If you know someone who would benefit from BRMC Social Support Services, contact Teresa on 0417 109 052 or