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Workforce shortages?
Would you like to be connected to a skilled migrant in your industry?

The City of Ballarat, Committee for Ballarat, Commerce Ballarat and Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council are collaborating with Regional Opportunities Australia (HOST International) to support skilled migrants who are interested in moving to Ballarat. We are calling this the Ballarat Professional Mentoring Program (BPMP).

We have up to 25 migrants interested in moving to and working in Ballarat, from the following industries: ICT, medical, early childhood, architecture, marketing, business, economics, HR, dentistry, electrical engineering, finance, aviation, research and more.

These migrants all:

  • Have working right visas
  • Speak English
  • Are currently living in Australia, but considering moving to Ballarat

What are we asking of you?

We wish to manage this first cohort as a pilot project, which we will be evaluating in order to understand how we might position Ballarat better to benefit from future similar opportunities. As such, participating businesses would be requested to provide information to our evaluators as requested.

We invite interested businesses to submit an expression of interest to Host International by Wednesday 28 September. We will be assessing the EOIs and matching businesses to appropriate candidates soon after that. If successful, we will ask that you nominate someone to:

  • Mentor each candidate online for 1 hour per week, for 6 weeks (with support from HOST)
  • Get to know the mentee and see if they’re a good fit for your business, and allow the mentee to get to know you and your business / industry
  • Share with the mentee your insights about life in Ballarat
  • Work with us in providing input to our evaluation of the process

If it all goes well, you may wish to offer the mentee a position in your business! But there is absolutely no obligation. You may also wish to provide them with advice and assistance in making the move to Ballarat, where appropriate.

Ballarat businesses are invited to submit their expression of interest to participate to HOST International by Wednesday 28 September: